2016 June SAP Official New Released C_HANATEC151 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Test your preparation for SAP C_HANATEC151 with these actual C_HANATEC151 questions below. Exam questions are a sure method to validate one’s preparation for actual certification exam.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
Which of the following are benefits of implementing SAP HANA?
A. SAP HANA provides real-time analytics
B. SAP HANA performs much faster than the standard SAP ERP
C. SAP HANA replaces SAP BW
D. SAP HANA provides pre-configured BI Content
E. SAP HANA combines OLTP and OLAP in one system
Answer: ABE
The statistics server was stopped during an upgrade by the system administrator.
Which of the following parameters in statisticsserver.ini do you modify to restart the statistics server?
A. statsconnect in the trace section
B. editing in the statisticsserver_general section
C. active in the statisticsserver_general section
D. statsserv in the trace section
Answer: C
In Microsoft Windows, to which folder are the logs written by default during the SAP HANA studio installation?
A. %TEMP%\hdb_studio_<time_stamp>
B. %USERPROFILE%\hdb_studio_<time_stamp>
C. %USERNAME%\hdb_studio_
D. C:\Program Files (x86)\hdb_studio_
Answer: A
Which of the following are parts of SAP HANA sizing?
A. Disk sizing
B. Network bandwidth sizing
C. Memory sizing
D. CPU sizing
E. Data and log file sizing
Answer: ACD
What type of data is transferred between the SAP HANA database and end user clients?
A. Application data
B. Configuration data
C. Configuration models
D. Data models
Answer: A
Of the databases that can be used for Data Services 4.0, which of the following is bundled with Information Platform Services (mini-BOE)?
A. SYBASE Adaptive Server Enterprise
C. MS SQL Server Express
Answer: C
You develop a disaster recovery plan. What do you have to ensure in case of a disk failure?
A. Log volumes can be backed up
B. Non-committed transactions can be recovered
C. Configuration files can be restored automatically
D. Committed transactions can be recovered
E. Save points can be backed up
Answer: ADE
Which of the following can decrease the startup time of an SAP HANA system after a reboot?
A. Reducing the number of column tables in the database
B. Reducing the size of the transactional data records
C. Reducing the number of fields in the master data
D. Reducing the size of the row-based tables
Answer: D
Which of the following is used to deploy SAP-delivered content in SAP HANA?
A. Java Support Package Management (JSPM)
B. Server-side export/import
C. SAP Transport Management System (STMS)
D. SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Answer: B
You are reviewing the execution plan of an SQL statement. You want to find out which plan operators (POPs) have been executed in parallel and for how long each of them has been active.
Where can you accomplish this?
A. In SAP NetWeaver: DBA Cockpit (DBACOCKPIT) -> SQL Plan Cache -> EXPLAIN (graphically)
B. In SAP HANA studio: Display the Timeline view via Window -> Show View -> Other … -> Plan Visualizer -> Timeline
C. In SAP HANA studio: Administration Console -> Performance -> Job Progress
D. In HDB admin -> Performance trace -> Show Column Plans
Answer: B
These SAP C_HANATEC151 exam questions are all a small selection of questions. If you want to practice more questions for actual C_HANATEC151 exam, use the links at the end of this document. Also you can find links for C_HANATEC151 exam practice test software that is great for preparation and self-assessment for SAP C_HANATEC151 exam.
2016 SAP C_HANATEC151 exam dumps (All 197 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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