2016 June SAP Official New Released C_HANAIMP151 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
An SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report throws an SQL error during query execution.
Which of the following could you check to resolve the error?
A. The business layer
B. The business view
C. The Web Intelligence report variables
D. The SAP HANA information model
Answer: AD
Which of the following are functions of the DB trigger within SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT)?
A. Ensure that replicated changes are kept within the logging tables.
B. Record relevant changes in logging tables.
C. Include only relevant tables for DB recording.
D. Decluster table classes into a transparent format.
Answer: BC
Which of the following steps is required for configuring SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT)?
A. Define the number of background work processes in SLT.
B. Define an RFC connection from SLT to SAP HANA.
C. Define a DB connection from SLT to the source system.
D. Define the number of jobs to be used for data replication.
Answer: D
Which of the following operations can you use when you create a calculation view using the SAP HANA studio graphical interface?
Answer: AB
In a two system landscape, you want to transport SAP HANA information models from the source system to a target system. The source system has information objects that refer to physical schema S1. The target system uses physical schema S2. When you import the information objects into the target system, the information objects at the target cannot be opened as they still refer to schema S1.
What must you do to be able to open the information objects in the target system?
A. Add a schema mapping.
B. Create a new schema.
C. Execute a refactoring.
D. Reimport the information models.
Answer: AD
Which types of calendar are available for time attribute views in SAP HANA?
A. Fiscal
B. Factory
C. Gregorian
D. Julian
Answer: AC
What must you configure to directly access an SAP HANA analytic view using SAP BusinessObjects Analysis edition for Microsoft Office?
A. RFC connection
B. SAP HANA Direct Extractor Connection (DXC)
C. Pre-delivered MODELING role
D. System DSN
Answer: D
Which of the following can you set up to enable the extraction of data from SAP Business Warehouse (BW) into SAP HANA?
A. SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD)
B. SAP BusinessObjects Data Services
C. SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT)
D. Open hub
E. SAP HANA Direct Extractor Connection (DXC)
Answer: BDE
Company needs to load external data from a flat file into SAP HANA. How can you do this?
A. SAP HANA Direct Extractor Connection (DXC)
B. SAP System Landscape Transformation (SLT)
C. SAP HANA SQL Import statement
D. SAP BusinessObjects Data Services
Answer: CD
Which SAP BusinessObjects tool do you use to visualize real-time key performance indicators with simu-lations?
A. Explorer
B. Analysis, edition for OLAP
C. Web Intelligence
D. Dashboards
Answer: D
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2016 SAP C_HANAIMP151 exam dumps (All 308 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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